Un esempio dei tagli apportati nella collana "I Romanzi" Mondadori.

Ecco cosa emerge dal confronto tra il primo capitolo di "Sizzle All day" di Geralyn Dawson con quello della versione italiana pubblicata nel n. 549 dei Romanzi Mondadori col titolo "Fantasmi d'amore".
Di seguito vengono riportate tutte le parti *eliminate* dal primo capitolo, e che percio' non si trovano nella versione italiana.

For years now he had spent his time fulfilling responsibilities to family, friends, and country. But now his sister was blissfully married to his best friend, his mother happily reconciled with her British family, his land sold, and his law partnership in San Antonio cheerfully disbanded.

A colorful flag fluttered from the long pole reaching up into the sky from a tall, square keep. The rest of the castle was a hodgepodge of gabled roofs and towers and crenelated lines that softened the keep's imposing facade.

Castles were historically places of intrigue, and the search for this lost document had already come close to costing his sister Chrissy her life. Besides, he didn't want to die before getting a good look at those bare-breasted Tahitian women. Tucking that warm image pleasantly in mind to combat this wretched cold, Jake snuggled Scooter close to his chest, signaled his horse forward, and headed for the castle by the loch.

The wings of a thousand butterflies fluttered in her stomach as she sent up a silent prayer for the success of the plan she prepared to put into action. Mr. J. A. K. Delaney of Texas had sent word to expect his arrival today. How would he react to what he found at Rowanclere Castle?

She trailed a finger along the wide window casement painted in Gillian's favorite color, a deep forest green

"Of course I am right," Gillian said, her lips twisting to smother a smile. "I am always right. Rowanclere is just a place. As long as we are together -- or within a day's ride, in your case -- in a place that provides safe shelter, it matters not where we live."

He removed a wide-brimmed hat and raked his fingers through dark auburn hair as he sat staring toward the castle. "Besides, Flora, you know how much I believe in fate. Fate put you and Uncle Angus in that hotel dining room at the same time as the Earl of Harrington. Fate caused your tongue to slip when he asked The Question."

Flora moved to stand beside her sister. Together, they saw the visitor signal his horse forward.

I do so hope we have not missed something important, Gilly," Flora said, her teeth nibbling at her bottom lip. "I don't know what it would be. I think I must have read everything that has been written about these ghost hunters in the past five years."

Newspapers wrote of the séances that were the rage in London society these days. Clairvoyants provided entertainment at parties, and spirit photographers held showings in galleries.

Gillian leaned forward, staring harder out the window when their visitor paused to rearrange something he carried on the saddle in front of him. Idly, she wondered what it was.
Her sister said, "I had difficulty sleeping last night so I picked the most recent issue of Spiritual Magazine. Did you read Lord
Spaulding's article theorizing that ninety-eight percent of all castles in Scotland are haunted by at least one ghaist?"
Gillian blinked. "Ninety-eight percent?"
"Aye. Considering our luck, I am surprised it is not higher."

Gillian couldn't help but smile at Flora's expression of disdain. "Aye. Like Uncle Angus always says, you are a stubborn lass."
Flora lifted her chin and wrinkled her nose. "I am your twin."
Laughing outright, Gillian dropped to her knees and sought her sister's comfort by joining their hands in a clasp.

Are you feeling well enough to go downstairs? Our guest will be knocking at the door shortly. Maybe I should -- "
"I'm fine, Gilly. I'll rest another minute or two just to be careful. I've asked Mrs. Ferguson to act the butler and show him to the red drawing room if I'm not downstairs when he arrives."
"Good." Rowanclere had few servants, and the cook was the only one informed of their plans concerning Delaney and the earl. "Mrs.
Ferguson is a fine judge of character and I should be glad to have her observations about the man." Then, anxious to soothe away the
lingering lines of worry on her sister's face, Gillian addressed a concern her twin had mentioned earlier.

Gillian lifted her gaze to the ceiling in frustration. Who was this insecure, vulnerable woman? Acting in such a manner was so out of character for Flora. Normally, she was every bit as strong as Gillian.
The pregnancy. It must be the pregnancy.
Of course. Gillian's heart went soft, and she gave her sister a quick, fierce hug. "Our guest is from Texas. Think of all the things
Uncle Angus has told us about Texans. Remember what Nicholas said about them in those early letters of his? I doubt a moving picture or unexplained sound will cause him much anxiety. And as far as Lord Harrington is concerned, he is coming to Rowanclere in order to look for ghaists. He won't be frightened to find one. He will be thrilled."
Flora nodded and brushed a streak of dirt off the filmy white gown Gillian wore. "Aye, you are right."
Flashing a smile, Gillian repeated her earlier observation. "Of course I am right. I am always right."
Her twin shot her a droll look. "What you are is annoying."
"In that case, you will want to leave now. Hie yourself downstairs, sister, and see to our guest."
"I haven't 'hied' myself anywhere for months now," Flora told her glumly.

As her sister disappeared from the tower room

It was, he concluded, spectacular enough to rival his hostess' face

any time you've a mind for a wee dram

The liquor left behind a smooth, smoky taste as it burned down his throat and hit his stomach. Rays of welcome warmth spread through him.

Scooter plopped down to the left side of the hearth, so he took the right. "Feels good, doesn't it?" he said to the dog as he warmed his hands

toasting his front side first

Questo, invece, e' cio' che emerge dal confronto di "The Reckless One" di Connie Brockway con la versione italiana edita ne I Romanzi Mondaodori con il titolo "La bella ingannatrice".
Il confronto riguarda una facciata presa a caso (pagina 79 e 80 della versione italiana)

VO= Versione Originale
VI= Versione Italiana

VO= "I can't decide if God is punishing me or you. Let's find out, shall we?"
VI= Ma su qualcosa non potete aver mentito, almeno credo. E adesso lo scopriro'.

VO= Her eyes flew open, her startled gaze leaping to meet his unreadable one.
VI= Aprì di scatto gli occhi e lo guardo'. Impossibile sbagliarsi sulle sue intenzioni.

VO= "Though I've had far more intimate discourse with women who've had far less knowledge of me that that. "
"How dare you speak to me like this?" The words broke from her rising panic. "I'm not a woman of the streets taking money to lift my skirts."
"Oh, rest assured, I did not find all of them on the streets," he said. "And I had no money to offer."
Fire swept over her chest and throat and burned in her cheeks. "So that's what this is about."
She had known this game she and the rest of the McClairens played would extract an ever-stiffening price. She had not foreseen this, though.
"What's that?" he asked, a smile loitering in his dark gaze.
VI= -State tranquilla. Non ho nessuna intenzione di approffittare di voi. Per quanto possa sembrarvi strano, visto l'ambiente che frequentate, voglio restare fedele ai miei principi. Non prendero' mai una donna con la violenza.-
Neppure per vendicarvi? - chiese lei - Perche' sareste qui altrimenti?

Disclaimers: This is a no-profit website. The copyrighted text has been reproduced only to provide an example of the shortenings and modifications applied to the romance novels published in Italian under the label "I Romanzi Mondadori".
My aim is to inform the Italian readers so that more people will ask for respectful translations, or at least for a written notice on the Italian versions stating that the original text has been modified.
If you still want me to remove the text, I will. Just e-mail me at: